Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Wrong place , Wrong date, Wrong time.......错的地点,错的日期,错的时间。。。。

 I was put in the police lock up for about 6 hours. It all happened when I was at the wrong place, wrong date and wrong time. This incident happened in 1964 (57 years ago) when I was in Secondary 4. 

                                                                       Japanese Youtuber Ghib Ojisan
                                                                       featuring the Tanglin Halt old town

                                                                           Sunday Times - 6 June 2021

                                                                            Redhill Close flat
                                                                            where the incident
                                                                            took place

The   Straits Times ( Sunday Times dated 6 June 2021) featured the Tanglin Halt precinct will be under Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (Sers) . Existing Housing Development Board (HDB) tenants will be relocated to the nearby housing units (new with special discounts) before the HDB to commence with the new redevelopment plan.

The Sunday Times article triggered my recollection which I had forgotten for a long long time.

I was at home ( Redhill Close) preparing for my secondary 4 final term school examination which was prior to  the National secondary 4 examination. There were road construction activities in front of my flat. It was so noisy that I could not carry on with my revision and I decided to take a break. I went to my neighbour's house for a chat. Coincidentally my neighbor's class mate was there. He suggested to go for a bicycle ride with my neighbour's father bicycle. He was the rider & asked me to be the pillion rider. We were on the road less than a minute and a police van came by. The bicycle registration number plate was found missing. Both of us were brought back to the Queenstown police station ( a very new police station in Tanglin Halt new town) as bicycle theft suspects and were put in the lock up.

Fortunately both were released without criminal record after the bicycle owner clarified the matter at the police station.